running a marathon competition

i´ve always loved running. when i was little, i would go on long jogs around the neighborhood with my friends and family. i was always the fastest out of my family. nobody could keep up with me.¨wait up¨, they would scream but i would just keep going. i love the way it feels when i run, it´s like i can just escape all my problems. the cool breeze blowing at me while i run as fast as my legs can carry me is a great sensation to feel. i think that´s one of the main reason i love running so much. whenever i run i feel like im free and i don´t have a care in the world. in middle school, i joined athletics because frankly, i needed the exercise but also because i knew if i joined athletics, i could have a chance to join the track team in high school. high school time rolled around and i was working my butt off training for the track team. i was so excited but also nervous because what if i didnt get accepted? the thought of it was swallowing me whole but that just encouraged me to work harder to achieve my goal. when i finally went to tryouts, i preformed the best that i could. i was just hoping and praying that i was good enough to make it in. well i guess i had a fairy godmother because i made it in! when i found out, i screamed and jumped for joy. my family came to see what all the ruckus was about and they were overjoyed when they found out that i had made the track team. the first few weeks at the track team were one of the best weeks of my life. i got to do what i loved everyday. i couldnt be more happy. one day my coach announced that there was a marathon going on. the prize was 1,000$ to the 1st place winner. i was so excited, i immediately grabbed a sign up sheet. the next day i turned it in with everything from top to bottom filled out. i even included pictures of previous races i had done to ensure that i would be accepted to compete. the day of the marathon rolled around but i wasnt scared. i had been preparing for the marathon for the past 4 weeks. i would start my day by going on a morning jog for a minimum of 30 minutes. i would bring extra water on the days i would jog for a longer time than i usually would. i would then go to school and start my day off by doing so warm ups in gym class. i even trained after school by going to the gym, lifting more weights and even eating healthier. as you can tell, i was very determined to win this competition. it had been a life long dream of mine. the big day finally came. i had been anticipating this day for only a few weeks but it had felt like years. “this was it”, i thought. the day i can finally show off my skills to the world. i went to the starting line, sweating, breathing hard, just waiting for the referee to yell the word start. “START”! the whistle blew and made my ears ring. i was so focused on winning i didn’t even notice everyone was in front of me already. i started running so fast, as fast as i could and soon enough, i was the 3rd in line. i started to get really tired, then i remembered what my coach had taught me. “save your energy first, then go in with a big boom”. those words repeated in my head. suddenly i started to slow down. i felt much better but everyone was getting ahead of me. after a few minutes of walking, i blasted off at full speed, passing everyone in front of me with ease. i stopped in my tracks, panting, gasping for air, but then i kept going, i kept running and running until i everyone behind me just looked like little ants in the distance. i figured i should save my breath so i started to slow down. i picked my pace back up once i started noticing that everyone was catching up with me. suddenly, a whole stampede came charging towards me. i didn’t know what to do so i just kept on running. next thing i knew, i was falling on my face right smack dab into the concrete road! it hurt like hell but i got up as quickly as i could and kept on running. i kept running and running until i could see the finish line. “almost there”, i thought “almost”. suddenly, someone pushed to the side and i lost my balance. i fell face first into the mud and saw everyone crossing the finish line. i knew i wasn’t going to make first place like i wanted to but i got up and started running. i wiped the mud off my face after i passed the finish line and hung my head in shame. i had gotten 15th place, not even top 3! i was so disappointed in myself until i saw my parents running towards me. they embraced me said said they were so proud of me. “but i lost”, i said. they said they were so proud of me because i had tried so hard. i had learned that day that life isn’t about winning, it’s about enjoying it to the fullest. i had fun at that marathon and if i could go back in time, i wouldn’t change a thing.

bringing people together

one way you can bring people together is by finding a common interest. sports for example, can bring communities together by hosting social events, games and fundraisers. this can bring communities together because you can find people who will relate to you on a certain topic therefore, you could start new friendships and bonds. maybe you’re not into sports, maybe you’re into different artists. in that case there are many ways you can contribute to bringing a community or communities together. if it’s an author, you and your peers could start book clubs where you could read and discuss your favorite books from the author you and your peers share an interest to. if it’s a singer, you could arrange for you and your fellow peers to meet up at one of their concerts and support them by buying their merchandise or tickets to one of their shows. there are many ways to bring communities together especially if there is a common interest involved. bringing communities together can help you create new friends and create special bonds with other people.

saltwater crocodile

the saltwater crocodile is a crocodilian native that is located in east coast across Southeast Asia and the Sundaic region to northern Australia and Micronesia. it is one of the more larger crocodiles, therefore making them one of the most dangerous animals to come in contact with. the saltwater crocodile is one of the most dangerous predators, killing hundreds of people each year in parts of South-East Asia and Africa. their diet consists of fish, birds, and mammals that venture near the water’s edge. The adult crocodiles will eat almost anything that comes too close. Younger crocodiles will eat smaller fish and insects. humans aren’t usually on the list but there have been multiple attacks. it is uncertain how many annual attacks are made on humans by saltwater crocodiles every year but, it is estimated to be 30 attacks per year, 50% of which are fatal. they attack by ambushing their prey using their amazing stealth. The saltwater crocodile has a reputation for being one of the most aggressive species in the world as an adult. their size ranges from 7.5 ft-17 ft depending on the age and gender of the crocodile. a female saltwater crocodile length ranges from 7.5 ft-11 ft and a male saltwater crocodile length is between 14-17 ft. females weigh 180-220 lbs (adult) and males weigh 14 – 17 ft. (Adult). saltwater crocodiles are very big in size and are very skilled hunters. if i were you, i’d try to stray away from them.


Measuring at 59ft, the extinct species of the shark called the Megalodon, meaning big tooth, lived 23-3.6 million years ago. It was truly one of our most fascitnating species…….and dangerous.

The Megalodon had a similar structure to the Great White Shark. It was formerly a member of the Lamnaide family. It had an extremely heavy bite force weighing up to 110,000-180,000 newtons (25,000-40,000 lbf). Now, to give you an idea about how heavy that is, 1 newton weighs 0.224 pounds but imagine hundreds upon thousands of newtons crushing into you. OUCH! A megalodon has 250 teeth in its mouth and they measure 7 3/8 inches each. They have 5 rows of razor sharp teeth and their mouth measures 6.6ft across.

Megalodons had a diet that consisted of fish, sea turtles, dugongs, and large whales among other ocean life and marine mammals. Considering a megalodon is pretty big, it requires large prey including whales, other sharks and small dolphins. Their jaws were so strong they could bite the back of a large sea turtle with ease. The megalodon could eat as small as a dolphin all the way up to a large whale. Their hunting methods included trashing a biting the flesh of their prey, attacking them from the bottom or side to further injure it more, possibly breaking the preyś back or spine, attacking the preyś tail and more. As you can tell, the megalodon was no ameautur when it came to hunting. The megalodon was a fierce creature that could eat anything in its path.

We all know the megalodon was probably the biggest shark known to mankind but do you know exactly how big they actually were? A megalodon was known to reach a length up to 60-70 ft and weighed over 60 tons at most. If you do not know how long 60-70 ft is, let me give u an example. A school bus is typically 45 ft but a megalodon is 60-70 ft wide so that would mean a megalodon would be larger than a school bus. Now that you´ve got an idea about how large a megalodon is length wise, i´ll give u an example about how much it weighs. The megalodon weighs OVER 60 tons. 1 ton would be equal to 2,000 pounds. That alone is a pretty large amount. 2,000 multiplied by 60 would equal 120,000 pounds. A megalodon weighed over 120,000 pounds! That´s larger than the biggest great white shark ever recorded.  It was no doubt the megalodon was the biggest shark to ever live.

This isn´t everything u can learn about a megalodon but I hope I did a good job at giving insight about how the megalodon lived, what it ate and how big it was. I could go on and on and on about all the interesting facts the megalodon has to offer but I think this is a good stopping point. I hope you enjoyed my blog and I will try to continue to add to this blog.